Lets Build Food Security With Subak!
Every morning Mr. Ketut always check the water in the upriver. Checking
whether the watergate is still flowing well lived is his voluntary task. Sometimes
the watergate needs to be cleared of leaf litter or plastic. He
realized that if the channel is not checked and cleaned, it will disrupt
waterways. Because of the courage and spirit of the voluntary, then he
deserves to be the most active members of Subak in their village. Basically,
only one conviction in the mind of Mr. Ketut about everything he’s done. The
belief that everything he’s doing solely just for the advancement of
agriculture in Bali.
Pak Ketut story is an example of the Subak in Bali picture. Literally,
Subak composed of two Sanskrit words su meaning
good and bak mean water channel. While
by definition there are various about Subak. According
Martiningsih, Subak is a local wisdom that a still exist in some areas in Bali
in the case of water sharing between organizations in the traditional rice
acreage (Matiningsih, 2012). Whereas in the case of a local law of Bali Province Perda No. 02/PD/DPRD/1972,
Subak is a customary law community that has characteristics of
socio-agrarian-relegius that historically established since ancient times and
continue to grow as the organization's authority in the field of land and water
arrangements etc. to the rice fields from a water source within a district.
In view of the historical record, there appears no record clarity
when and how the first time appeared in the Community Subak Bali. A
Dutch historian, R. Goris said that Subak first appeared before the 600M. Marked
with the system Subak irrigation tunnel known at the time (Pasandaran &
Taylor, 1988). There is also a mention Subak was there at Century 11 M which
comes from the word kasuwakan inscriptions found in Klungkung A, B, and C in the year 1072,
Pengotan inscription, inscriptions Buwahan in 1181 from King Jayapangus
(Agung, 1999). From all these findings, it can be concluded that Subak is a
cultural artifact findings. More precisely, it is a technological artifact that address
challenges plaguing agricultural drought disaster in Bali. In
the end the drought disaster can be tackled and food security can be maintained
by the community.
Behind its success, it turns out there is a philosophy of life that
become Subak’s backround system called Bali Tri
Hita Karana (THK). THK consists of three principles of human relationship such as
relationship man with God, man with nature, and man with man (Matiningsih,
2012). As described previously in Bali that Subak’s Perda characteristics include socio-agrarian-relegius up Subak is
not only seen as mere water irigation system. A philosophy of life THK is
believed as high philosophy of life in society in Subak Bali. Tri
Hita Karana in Subak created by parhyangan , palemahan, and pawongan who epitomized by Hinduism (Windia, Pusposutardjo, Sutawan,
Sudira, & Arif, 2001). Parhyangan are religious elements between man and God in Subak arrangements. Marked
with the temple where Hindus worship in upstream Subak, Subak rice, and Subak
downstream. Then palemahan which
means Subak have a responsibility to the environment. Subak
not allowed to mutilate built environment in any case. Last pawongan Subak
is a social responsibility to the community. Created
by an organization that is flexible in order to build a sense of responsibility
to society. Responsibility of the organization's performance is proved to
maintain the quality of Subak in agriculture in the community. Since
then humanizing look Subak flexible membership not tied by a tribe, religion,
race, and all other discrimination so long as they are in the same area so they
allowed to be members of the Subak.
Five principles of farm (Panca Usaha Tani)
Panca Usaha Tani is basically an agricultural wisdom of Indonesia
that aims to improve the quantity and quality of farms productivity. There
are five principles that is held in the five farms such as the choice of seeds,
appropriate fertilizers, integrated pest management, well-irrigation, and
improvement of cropping patterns. At
the beginning, the five farms was found to be positive in increasing
agricultural output in Indonesia. And someting we must know that in 1983-1984,
Indonesia was fruitfully managed to become self-sufficient in rice (Agung,
But now five farms became increasingly faded. Decreasing
of seed quality makes resulting in lower crop productivity. High price of fertilizer
so difficult for farmers. Uncontrolled pest explosion caused by unbalanced ecosystem. Moreover
poor water management and dry season rainfall is erratic. As
well as cropping patterns tend to damage the soil is still frequently used by
the Indonesian Society.
While the downturn, Subak emerged as one of the luminaries in the
water ready to fix the problem of the Panca
Usaha Tani. Subak irrigation is a simple technology that is packed with useful
community management philosophy in facing Indonesian agricultural challenges
ahead. Subak is felt able to cope with the uncertainty of the season in
Indonesia so as to reduce the risk of crop failure. In
the dry season when the water control system will manage water efficiently so
that all the rice will get the water. Whereas during the rainy season and the
water control system will manage the dam to store water so that rice does not
have both running water in excess.
The success of the water management can not be separated from the
philosophy of Tri Hita Karana (THK). Parhyangan which
means religious in Subak signifies that every activity in Subak solely for God and
the benefit of society itself. With this philosophical foundation, then all management activities
will be voluntary but seriously. Building
the temple is located in each subak signifies that every activity should begin
with praying. This influence of suggestion on farmers that would be more
excited to work on the rice fields, especially in terms of irrigation. Additionally Parhyangan for
Balinese people is a form of God's presence on the water irrigation system in
the presence of pretending that have been built.
Palemahan which means subak has organized related area of water management
systems. On the basis of equality and fairness that all benefits and risks
should be borne by all the members. All
subak members will receive the same flat water section.Palemahan in
Subak also means friendly to nature. Therefore
all the destructive nature of agricultural activities is strictly prohibited. Suppose
that repel pests using pesticides within is strictly prohibited because it will
damage the soil structure and will reduce yields obtained.
Pawongan means subak organization is flexible organization. Flexible
visible when the coordination among members in a family. Flexible
coordination was also seen when every office holders or community leaders met
to discuss the issue subak. Indeed, this organization looks relaxed, but still carrying out
his duties in regulating each subak. In
addition, the subak is also an open organization that allowed anyone to join
regardless of position, title, race, and ethnic.
Social and ecological technology
Subak is a technology that has a responsibility to the community. The
proof, Subak Bali to foster community harmony because organizations can
increase the intensity of social interaction social cohesion. Additionally,
Subak not an ordinary organization engaged in irrigated rice fields. While
using flexible work and family, the system keeps turning towards settled assessment
pattern of Subak organization. Pekaseh or Subak leaders must have good vision and mission of the
responsibilities related to community and the environment. Now
the responsibility of pekaseh on society is planning purposes and target activities based on the
rule of law, explaining the purpose and target activities to the members,
organizing action agreement fragmentation problems, and dividing responsibility
on all members, empowering members to be more active in accordance with
purpose, rights, and obligations has, coordinating the implementation of tasks
set so that the goals and objectives that have been agreed activities can be
achieved (Windia, Pusposutardjo, Sutawan, Sudira, & Arif, 2001).
Remembering one of the principles of Tri Hita Karana is palemahan, subak should be sounded enviromentally. Keep
in mind that the subak irrigation system where water is always flowing. Water
continues to flow is very useful to maintain soil fertility and the surrounding
rice fields. Subak also has a unique way to repel pests who never uses
pesticides. Pesticides in Balinese society is a taboo because of chemical
elements in pesticides will damage soil structure and reduce the harvest. Society
generally use a scarecrow in repel pests. They
believe that the scarecrow is a manifestation of Goddess Sri keeping their
fields (Matiningsih, 2012). In addition, people also make a musical instrument that can
prevent pest entry into the field. There
are many other efforts in preserving Balinese nature such as the use of organic
fertilizers and much more.
Participation to build food security
Keep in mind that the emphasis Subak as a means of developing food
security lies in empowering the community. Subak
has given more space to the community to participate in agricultural
activities. Moreover, people become motivated to participate in Subak. There
are many new group supporting Subak, one of them is a group called sekeha-sekeha .This
group was divided into 5 sections namely sekeha
numbeg (plough groups), sekeha mejukut (weeding group), sekeha nandur (planting group), sekeha manyi (crop group), and sekeha nebuk (separating rice seed and its plant) (Matiningsih, 2012) . Members
of this group are working together to treat each other to harvest rice. Surely
all those jobs arranged by Subak to get the maximum harvest.
Not only that, subak was to make people become more innovative
amid rules prohibiting destruction of the environment. Like
the farmer who typically use chemical fertilizers, Bali people dont give up and
keep inovating. Fertilizers derived from organic fertilizer of cow urine is the
mainstay of farmers with specific process has also created a quality fertilizer
commensurate with chemical fertilizers. In
fact, the harvest obtained from organic fertilizer was not inferior to the harvest
from inorganic fertilizers. Its importand to know that Balinese rice is the best rice yield
and free from chemicals. Rice is also certified Organic Certification Agency (LeSOS) No.. LSPO-005-IDN-0
(Matiningsih, 2012). LeSOS This is a certification body under the National
Accreditation Committee (KAN) Organic Indonesia. The
main criteria of this certification is a crop that is free of chemicals that
harm the body.
Of exposure can be concluded that the Balinese people have a
distinctive way to build community, especially in terms of food security. Local
wisdom within subak is a typical way of Balinese owned in addressing the issue. Subak
is a wisdom that is able to meet the challenges of food problems in Bali. Proved
by subak, Bali is able to meet their food needs with independently. Bali
more shall not emulate the efforts made by the outside community in addressing
its food problems. The values that can be learned from the
people of Bali is Balinese problem can only be solved by Balinese themself. Similarly
in Indonesia, all the problems in Indonesia can only be resolved by way of
Indonesia. Not the other way!
Agung, D. A. (1999). Sistem Subak, Pancausaha Tani dan Perkembangan Pertanian di Kabupaten Bangli. Depok: Universitas Indonesia.
Arif, S. S. (1992). Applying Philosophpy of Trihita Karana in Design and Management of Subak Irrigation System. A Study of Subak as Indigenous Cultural, Social, and Technological System to Establish a Culturraly based Integrated Water Resources Management Vol.III .
Matiningsih, N. G. (2012). Pelestarian Subak Dalam Upaya Pemberdayaan Kearifan Lokal Menuju Ketahanan Pangan dan Hayati. Jurnal Bumi Lestari , 303-312.
Pasandaran, E., & Taylor, D. C. (1988). Irigasi Kelembagaan dan Ekonomi Jilid 2. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia dan PT Gramedia.
Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali No. 02/PD/DPRD/1972
Windia, W., Pusposutardjo, S., Sutawan, N., Sudira, P., & Arif, S. S. (2001). Sistem Irigasi Subak dengan Landasan Tri Hita Karana (THK) Sebagai Teknologi Sepadan Dalam Pertanian Beririgasi. Yogyakarta: UGM.